Planking Week One March 2018

6-9 March
Work resumed on Tuesday 6th March with Greg K again camping and working through to the Thursday. Peter O and Rhonda spent the Tuesday unpacking and moving planks and giving other assistance, whilst on the Wednesday Shirley walked in to help and returned on the Thursday.  Shirley was given a job of helping steady posts and drilling in the bugle screws.
Shirley drilling in the bugle screws
On the Thursday 8th Greg B, Chris and Peter F went in with Trevor. Previously we had trouble getting the staple gun to work and after sending it to be serviced, we had it back but again it was very unresponsive. After a bit of investigation, it seems likely that the altitude is the problem because the operations manual indicates a different valve is required above 1200m. Attempts are being made to procure one.
Morning break  Chris, Shirley Greg K, Matt, John, Greg B & Trevor

Attempting the wiring, Greg and Trevor

Planking down the slope on centre of Windy Moor
Some planking was carried from the start of the moor to the current work site, a distance of 600 metres one way. The planking progress is very impressive and 750 metres was finished at the end of Thursday 8th.  More of course was done on Friday, the last day of the 4 day shift.
